School BM – A Vital Asset

The role of the School Business Manager has become a fundamental part of the senior leadership team within schools and should the need arise, replacing them can feel like an impossible hurdle; especially in a candidate short market.

The School Business Manager – A Vital Asset

The value added…

Shrinking funds mixed with increasing costs means that a School Business Manager needs to be more skilled than ever before, to “balance the books” whilst also playing their part in ensuring the standards of teaching and learning continue to be maintained and increased where possible.

A results-driven School Business Manager will provide unrivalled assistance in the roll out of the School’s Improvement Plan (SIP), finding substantial opportunities to make savings but also making use of alternative funding streams to ensure that the objectives identified in the SIP can be delivered.

According to the National College for School Leadership (NCSL), a School Business Manager could save their head teacher up to one third of their time! Imagine having all that extra time to spend on; for example; teaching and learning outcomes for pupils.

Experienced Business Managers will have the ability to procure external services into school (such as agency staff and catering) and negotiate the best contracts with external service providers to save money and improve efficiencies within school.

Having a proactive and supportive Business Manager who takes responsibility for the line management of non-teaching staff can provide huge gains for the school’s senior management team; fewer line management duties for the Headteacher equals increased time to focus on other matters.

Finding “the one”…

Given the importance of the role, there is often an imbalance in the resources, time and effort put into the recruiting and selecting of a new School Business Manager, especially in comparison to that invested into securing a new Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher for example.

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Procuring the services of a recruitment agency can incur costs of anywhere up to £10,000 and in some cases provide minimal support; simply putting forward candidates for your consideration. PACT HR Consultants have vast experience of every step of a recruitment and selection process and can support you to confidently select your preferred candidate at a fraction of the costs mentioned above.

You may already have a fantastic Business Manager, however for those of you that are looking to recruit into this integral role, feel free to give PACT HR a call on 01274 436644 and let us help you put together an in-depth and successful recruitment strategy to employ your next School Business Manager.

Naomi Berry – PACT HR Consultant